Miss Watson

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French Magazene - Translated

Q:  So it looks like in this Harry Potter, you finally flirt with Ron? Emma:  Yes!  But before I flirt with him, I make him super jealous when I'm with Viktor Krum,the quidditch player.  In any case, our "love story" will stay sweet.  we're not going to jump on top of each other!  (laughs)

Q:  Is it true that there are hundreds of fan love letters you get each day? Emma:  Completely true!  This flattery is scary at times.  The problem is with the guys who write me, they refer to an image, a fictionous character, however, I am not Hermione.
Q:  When was the exact moment you realized you had become a celebrity? Emma:  When I saw my head on a bus.  At the moment, I thought the police had launched some sort of search for me.
Q:  The advantage of making a movie is that all the time you spend making it, you're not at school.  Cool, eh? Emma:  Yes and no.  The law states that the producers must may for tutors so that I can stay at the same level of education as others my age.  On average, we spend three to five hours doing schoolwork each day.

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